Setting up Plutus (Cardano Plutus Pioneer Program) Some basic steps on setting up Plutus on Ubuntu. 1) Make sure you have git installed sudo apt-get install git 2) Clone Plutus git clone The following steps can be found here ( 3) Install Nix `curl -L https://nixos.
Java Generating bigrams, performance -- Scala vs Java I am currently working at a start-up that is using Scala and Play Framework -- both have their pros and cons. I come from a more traditional programming background of Java style languages so it's been an adjustment. Recently while analyzing some code, I ran into some strange
DevOps Setting up Ubuntu on AWS The plain Ubuntu image that is often used with AWS is very under-configured. Here are a few things to change. Timezone This is annoying... the default timezone is set to UTC. sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata Swap There is no swap configured, so lets put it on SSD ephemeral driver. By default
Connecting Codeship to Stackdriver We've been successfully using Codeship [] and Stackdriver [] for the last few months. If you haven't hear of these two Boston companies I would seriously consider taking a closer look. Stackdriver has grown up fast and provides very compelling
css Fixed search bar with Bootstrap 3.0 Unless you've been living under a rock, you know about Bootsrap [] -- powerful mobile first front-end framework that enables web development with responsive design [] inmind. One of the most popular elements on any website is the top
Scala Basic Authentication Filter for Play Framework I've been using Play framework for a few months and I am really starting to like it. For all its great features and simplicity, it still lacks some of the advanced features. Recently I was facing a problem of enabling basic auth -- some framework have this as
HTTPS Play Framework Filter for AWS Elastic Load Balancer (forward HTTP to HTTPS) Here is an example of how to forward HTTP to HTTPS using Play Framework Filter. This is a setup for AWS Elastic Load Balancer. A few points: * This is for Play Framework 2.2.x, the API is a bit different for older versions of Play. Scala Filters [http://www.